Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ultrasound #1

I had my first ultrasound for this baby yesterday morning and it went okay.  We could clearly see the gestational sac in my uterus, so that was a huge relief.  I had been hoping to be able to see the baby and the heartbeat, but hopefully it was just too early.  According to my calculations based on when I ovulated, I should have been 6 weeks.  The sac measured a little small, more like 5w2d.  But my RE didn't seem concerned at all.  I made him check my tubes because I'd been having so much pain where my previous ectopic was, but he didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

So I'm starting to relax a bit.  At least we know it's implanted correctly-- that's a huge hurdle.  Before the appointment, I had worked myself up so much I was convinced I would be headed straight to surgery.  Thank goodness that's not the case.  That, in and of itself, is a wonderful blessing to me.  The doctor told me I needed to just relax and take care of myself and leave the worrying to them.  At first, he told me to come back for a follow-up ultrasound in 2 weeks.  I told him honestly, with my history, that would be really difficult to wait that long.  He took a look at my chart and agreed, so we scheduled the next one for 1 week away, very early next Friday morning.

He gave us printouts of the ultrasound with a big "Hello Mom and Dad!" over the sac and somehow that's comforted me.  I put one of them up in our bathroom so we can see it often.  If I look closely, I think I can see what could be the baby, but I'm not sure if that's just wishful thinking.  I've started having those pulled stomach muscle feelings when I move.  I can only hope that's a good sign of growing and stretching.  I remember those with my last pregnancy-- even though that one didn't turn out like we'd hoped, I hope these are good signs.

I spent a lot of the afternoon yesterday reading other women's stories on the internet of seeing only a sac at 6 weeks.  Overall, it was very encouraging.  It seemed like quite a lot of them went back just a week or so later and saw the baby & heartbeat.  I hope I'm in that boat a week from now.  But either way, for now, I am still pregnant and that is amazing.  I have to remind myself of that over and over again.  This miracle is growing inside me.  Every day with this little one is a blessing.

I love you, baby, and hope we find you strong, healthy and implanted correctly.


Unknown said...

early ultrasounds are a double-edged sword. they cause a lot of needless worry, a lot of the time.

I am betting you go back in a week and see a BEAUTIFUL heartbeaT!


Unknown said...

thinking about you...what time tomorrow?

Unknown said...

PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING! And then Praying some more! Praying for AWESOME news! It's 7:53 so you must know something by now...glad you didn't have to wait half the day for the appointment to come.