Thursday, June 9, 2011


Sweet Pea is doing so great lately.  She is not quite crawling up on all fours, but is commando crawling down on her belly everywhere now.  No more leaving her alone in a room and expecting her to stay in one place!  She has figured out how to transition from sitting down to her belly and can almost push herself back up to sitting too.  She so wants to stand, but doesn't quite have the balance or the comprehension that if she lets go, she's going to fall.  She loves to stand at our ottoman, jumping up and down and beating her hands with a huge smile, but will completely just let go or turn around any second so you have to stay right there with her.

She says "dada" and "baba", but is doing a little less babbling this week since she's so focused on practicing her crawling.  She definitely lets you know when she wants something though.  She's got quite a voice for such a little thing!

Finally all her therapists are getting to see all her progress and are so pleased with how well she is doing.  The speech therapist discharged her this week, the occupational therapist decided to switch to every other week and the physical therapist only thinks she's going to be coming for another month or so.  Woohoo!  Less people coming to our house that we have to work our schedule around!

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