Monday, June 6, 2011


Well, the month of birthdays at our home has officially begun.  Mine was today, Shannon's is Friday and Sweet Pea's first birthday is next Wednesday.  Today was mostly like any other Monday with two babies.  I had hoped they would give me a break and both take long afternoon naps since neither napped in the morning, but Sweet Pea had other ideas.  She is certainly becoming more vocal and opinionated.  She yells and throws her head back when she doesn't get her way.  We discovered this morning that she has a third tooth starting to come in, so hopefully that's the source of her extra-crankiness lately.  I hope it isn't a new stage that's here to stay.  After months of mostly sleeping through the night, she is now getting up usually once (but sometimes twice) a night to be fed.  She is soo close to crawling now and can actually scoot herself forward on her belly.  I think that's a lot of what's waking her up in the middle of the night now.  Not only is she extra hungry from all that new movement, I think she wakes herself up trying out her new trick in her crib then decides she needs to eat right then.  All this extra eating means she's been leaking through her diapers (what do you mean they don't make overnight diapers in size 1-- don't they imagine there could be one-year-olds still in size 1 diapers??), so we now have to change her diaper in the middle of the night and this royally pisses her off.  She screamed so much last night when I changed her diaper before feeding her at 4:30 in the morning, she woke up Shannon who came out to make sure we were okay.  As much as I'm a fan of sleep and really don't like having to get up in the middle of the night, I know it's good for her to get all the extra calories in her that we can.  I would love to see big improvements when we take her for her one year check-up later in the month.

We are having a party on Saturday to celebrate all of our birthdays, but I imagine it will mostly be about baby Sweet Pea.  Nothing too crazy, just friends and family over for food and fun.  Hopefully we don't all melt away in the over-100 degree heat.

Speaking of other unfair things for small babies, we cannot find a t-shirt that says "My 1st Birthday" in anything anywhere near Sweet Pea's size.  I know she's abnormally small and not even on the growth chart even for her adjusted age, but really she can't be the only tiny one-year-old.  We did find a bib that she can wear instead on top of her clothes, but I just had to complain a little bit...

1 comment:

jennwfree said...

Not sure if it's worth paying shipping, but can she wear 3 to 6 month size?

This isn't the only option they have, so if you don't like dinosaurs all is not lost. I just wanted to send a link to this one that I saw. You pick the design you want and then add it to the shirt size.

About the my (limited) experience, it ends up being teething. But the disastrous nights last long enough that you feel like you can barely remember your sweet child that sleeps and you wonder if the new crabby child is there to stay. And then the tooth finally comes in and you breathe a sigh of relief. Until the following week when the next tooth starts to bother them :)

Happy Birthday month! Mine is next Tuesday - SP and I are almost birthday twins!