Thursday, September 9, 2010

Is this some kind of test or something??

Wow.  This week just continues to challenge me.  First, my old friend announces her pregnancy.  Everyone tells her what an amazing mom she'll be and how amazing the news is.  I've just started coming to terms with this when... boom!  I just checked my e-mail only to have gotten the news that yet another friend is pregnant.  She got married on the 4th of July and got pregnant on the honeymoon!  On the honeymoon!!  And of course, everything is going great for her.  AAAHHHHH!!!  I'm so jealous of this news that I could scream!

I swear I am seeing pregnant people everywhere.  They're everywhere on Facebook. I see cute little bellies at every store I go to.  It feels just like after I've had a loss and like everyone is pregnant and happy but me.  I hate being back here again!!

And now work is throwing a curveball my way too.  Without going in to too much detail, things have not been going well there lately.  I questioned some unethical practices recently and this was met with an attack against me.  Plus they are asking more than they should of me because I am the only licensed counselor there-- but are not willing to pay me any more, of course.  The breaking point came today.  Shannon and I have been discussing taking one last big vacation next month before we get kids.  We booked everything last night and are so thrilled about our plans!  So I turned in my leave request at work today and it was officially denied.  So now it seems that it's all being decided for me.  Looks like I'll be turning in my resignation soon.  I can only think this is all happening for a reason as we're planning for big changes in our family.  I had thought about changing jobs once we had kids, maybe just working part time or doing contract work.  But apparently the universe is telling me its time to make that change sooner rather than later.

I do deep down think this will all turn out for the best.  But really.  How much do I have to take this week?  Please, no more happy pregnancy announcements this week at least, ok?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, Jenny! I had to pop onto your blog and let you know our happy news! I'm pregnant!