Friday, July 30, 2010


I had an interesting encounter this afternoon.  I was just leaving work and a co-worker stopped to ask me if I am pregnant.  She said the past few times she's seen me, I've just seemed like I'm "glowing", so she had to ask.  I told her no, but we are planning on adopting and just started our foster-adopt training classes this week.  Her response:  "Well, that must be it.  You are pregnant then!"  We talked briefly about being "expecting in adoption" and how I'd read about that in an adoption book this week.  It was such a pleasant conversation and just one more reminder of how much better I'm feeling these days.  A couple of months ago, a comment like that would have completely destroyed me.  I would have cried all night over that one.  But instead now, it was such a positive thing and so encouraging to know that others can even see a positive change in me.

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