Thursday, September 22, 2011

First steps!

Sweet Pea took her first little steps tonight!  She's been getting so close, just never trusting herself to actually do it.  This evening she kept practicing standing on her own, both on accident and on purpose a few times.  Usually when we are helping her walk or stand and try to let go of her hands, she just sits right down and refuses to do it on her own.  But tonight right before bedtime, Shannon helped her walk over to me on the couch and let go and she walked a couple of steps purposefully on her own!  She repeated it a few times, then was so exhausted she wouldn't try it anymore.  I'd hardly call her a walker yet, but we're well on our way.  So proud of our tiny little Sweet Pea!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you changing her name?