Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Baby steps

I just got back from taking both babies to the grocery store all by myself for the very first time.  My mom and I have taken the babies shopping before, but I'd never been brave enough to try it on my own.  It could not have gone any better.  Didn't hear a peep from either one the entire time in the store, then both fell asleep on the drive home.  So I was able to bring in the groceries and now have a moment to myself before Sweet Pea's speech therapist gets here soon.  Couldn't have planned a more successful trip.  Feeling proud of myself, which almost sounds silly to say but it was a big accomplishment for me.  We got lots of sweet smiles and "hi babies" from strangers at the store, but thankfully no one asked any nosy questions like we usually get.  No one asked how old they are, if they're twins (which if you could see them, is the most absurd question ever).  Just a pleasant trip to the store.  Simple joys these days...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My sister has twins. One is a boy and one is a girl, and she gets asked (1) if they are twins and (2) if they are identical. Ummmm, they aren't the same gender. I don't think so :)

Good for you for your trip!