Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I had been thinking about writing a serious post all day, but was just struck with the humor of the situation tonight.  Shannon and I were just watching a show on the science channel called "The Science of Sex Appeal" and it was explaining how all these things change in a woman's body when she is ovulating.  She will look and sound more attractive, be able to pick better sexual partners, etc.  We were talking about it and I realized Shannon has no idea about how a woman's menstrual cycle works.  He had no clue that I get my period 2 weeks after I ovulate.  No clue.  Oh my goodness.  We've been trying to get pregnant for nearly 3 years now and he has no idea of the timing of it all.  Crazy.  He said it doesn't matter to him, worrying about it makes it less fun, less likely that we'll even get pregnant.  He said I should stop worrying about it and we'd automatically get pregnant easier.  I'm both appalled and envious of his attitude.  Personally, as nice as it sounds, it would be impossible for me to go back to my naivety from before we were ttc.  I could not just ignore all the signs I'm aware of now.  I could never not know when I should be ovulating, when I should be getting my period.  Just wouldn't happen.  Anyway, I think it's a good thing being in touch with my body.  So there you have it.  Further evidence of the difference between men and women.  And what a man I have  :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

scott is the SAME way! when we 2were trying to concieve asher he had NO idea what "ovulating" meant..."whatever, let's just do it!" ;)