Friday, June 15, 2012


I joined a local moms' group a few months ago. With work I'm not able to go to all the events, but we've been to a few and started to meet some new people. We went to a playdate last week. I got an email today that the two-year-old girl whose house we went to last week died. Drowning accident, it said. I'd only met the family the one time, but it's really hit me. Here we are celebrating Payton's birthday while that family is grieving the loss of their little one. Really puts everything into perspective. I definitely snuggled Payton a little longer and a little tighter tonight at bedtime...


jennwfree said...

Wow. So sad. No words.

Unknown said...

Ugh. Yes. No words. I miss you! I love how happy you sound in your posts!