Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tentative adoption date :)

We've been filling out paperwork for Sweet Pea's adoption.  With this paperwork comes questions.  Shannon called our newest CPS adoption caseworker this morning with questions.  While talking with her, she asked if we'd decided whether we want to have an individual or mass adoption for Sweet Pea.  An individual adoption would just be us and our family with the judge and would last all of a few minutes then we'd be done.  A mass adoption is like a big party they have once a month where there are many kids being adopted at the same time.  There's celebrating, gifts, lots of fun.  We'd been leaning toward this, but hadn't officially decided.  Our caseworker this morning explained how the mass adoption in November is an especially big deal because it's National Adoption Month, so they have an even bigger celebration than usual.  So nothing's set in stone yet, but it's looking like we'll have our Sweet Pea adopted on November 18th in this big, fun mass adoption.  Butterflies in my stomach  :)


jennwfree said...

Holy cow! This has been such a long road for you, but still I am shocked at how fast your end / new beginning is coming!

Unknown said...

EEEEEK! CAN'T WAIT! Can't wait to see her face and learn her name!!!!!!!