Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Taking the Next Steps

Wow, it's been way too long since I last blogged.  I've had several things I'd wanted to write about, but never got around to it.  But today since we have positive news on our journey, I wanted to be sure to write about it.  Things are coming right along on our foster/adopt process.  We've finished our classes except for one we have to make up in a couple of weeks.  We've turned in almost all of our paperwork, including getting our CPR & first aid completed.  The state decided yesterday we don't have to have a fire inspection anymore, so check that off the list.  Shannon and I will both go get our fingerprinting/FBI background checks done tomorrow.  But the best news of all is that we have finally gotten far enough in the process to have been assigned to a case manager and she actually called us today!!  This is the person who will be responsible for our homestudy, which is really our last big hurdle logistically to getting licensed.  She is also the person who will advocate for us and help match us with the right kids for us.  It's all very exciting and so what I needed right now when things are so frustrating and unsure at work right now.  Both Shannon and I may be having major career transitions again in the very near future.  Very exciting, but very scary at the same time.  Just like the prospect of us having kids actually here in our house in the near future.  Looking back, I never would have imagined I'd be here, but am so thankful I've been led down this road!

1 comment:

jennwfree said...

Yay! I'm excited that I decided to blog-stalk you today :) How wonderful that things are coming along. Good luck with the next steps.