Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I took Payton to her ENT appointment this afternoon. Just a follow-up since she still has one of her tubes in her ear. She did awesome. It's so amazing to see how far she's come. From the tiny baby who screamed every time we even walked in to a doctor's office to now such a big girl who sits quietly and lets them examine her without any protesting at all. We talk about her doctors often and what she expects when she's there, which I think has helped. But really, she's just grown up so much.

It is completely amazing how healthy she is now. From such a rocky start as a tiny premature baby to now being the healthiest one in our house. She's only even had a fever a couple of times in the two years she's been with us, never been on antibiotics even once since then. She's still on a couple of daily medications prescribed by her pulmonologist, but really these are just precautionary and she's being weaned off them too. We've only had to use her rescue inhaler once about a year ago when she had a bad cough, but it's never been anything like an asthma attack.

I'm sure all this could change when she starts school next fall, but for now I am thankful and in awe of her health. We do go to playdates with other stay-at-home kids who still get sick often and so far she hasn't caught anything there. I really think it's due to how she was so very premature and so very sick as an infant. It made her a fighter. It made her stronger, in so many ways.

So proud of my sweet little fighter!

All ready for our Valentine's party this morning :)

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