Thursday, August 14, 2014


I feel like I'm going crazy. I was convinced in the middle of the night last night that I was pregnant. Absolutely convinced. My period was due yesterday and never came. I've been having cramping and pain, but still not period and this is always how it's been with all my pregnancies. I usually ovulate earlier than expected, but my period arrives like clockwork exactly 2 weeks after I feel ovulation pain which I know for sure was 2 Wednesdays ago. I really didn't sleep much at all in the night, waiting until what I felt was a reasonable time to finally test. I was absolutely sure it would say I was pregnant, so I was shocked when the test read "Not Pregnant". I actually had to look back at it several times to believe it.

I wasn't heartbroken. A little disappointed, but nothing big. This was just our first month semi-trying again and I never expected it to happen so quickly. I told Shannon. He said sorry and asked if I was okay. I am.

So I went on about my day. I've continued to have pain and cramping off and on, but still no period. I had a routine appointment with my endocrinologist where I found out that my TSH has jumped up to 4.7 (!) again. It was .3 two months ago and the only thing we changed was to have me only take half a pill one day a week to help lessen the hyperthyroid symptoms I had been experiencing. I am shocked and disappointed it has risen so high so quickly. So my first thought again is I must be pregnant and that's what is making it go up now. And if I'm pregnant, it's already not looking good. First of all, a negative pregnancy test would show that the HCG levels are pretty low and they should not be that low 15 days after ovulation. Secondly, my TSH is already dangerously high for a pregnancy. So I stopped at a store on the way home and bought more pregnancy tests. This time, I got the ones that say how pregnant you are, like 1-2 weeks or 3+ weeks past ovulation. I figured these would have a lower range for testing and I could trust that. Still "Not Pregnant".

What in the world is going on with my body? In the middle of the night, in my absolutely sureness that I was indeed pregnant, I went ahead a used a progesterone suppository that I had left over from my last pregnancy and does not expire until next year. I know this could have confused my body and could delay my period, but shouldn't that have cleared out by now?

Honestly, at this point, I really don't want to be pregnant after all the worrying this has already caused me today. Last night, in the middle of the night, I welcomed the idea and tried to surround myself in positive thoughts. Today, I can't see that positivity so well anymore. I'm just ready for my period to show up now so I can move on and really try again the right way when my body is more ready.


jennwfree said...

Oh wow, a lot to catch up on! I have been intermittently checking up and then didn't. Whoa! Big changes and decisions. Good luck with every last bit. The frustration, the ou chimes, the letting people in your business. All of it. Hugs!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry. I hated the TTC roller coaster and am so sorry you are on it once again. I'm here on the sidelines, cheering you on, friend!!!!!! Love you!