Dear Sweet Pea,
Today is your 15th month birthday and you're doing so many fun, new things these days. I feel so lucky to have you in our lives and just wanted to make sure we can remember these special days. Here are just a few of the things I absolutely love about you lately:
• You want to walk everywhere, but don’t trust yourself yet to stand or take steps on your own. You just learned to walk holding on with only one hand and think this is the greatest trick ever and will do this all day if someone will walk with you. You smile and laugh and look so proud of yourself.
• You are willing to try so many new foods now and are eating “grown-up” food so much more too. You even ate bratwurst and sauerkraut for dinner the other night and loved it! (We’ll make you a German after all!)
• After coming to us with your head shaved and practically no hair, it has finally really grown in. Comments about your thick, long hair are the most often things we hear from passing strangers these days.
• Since you’ve been watching me exercising at home lately, now when it says the word “exercise” in one of your favorite books, you clap and smile at me. Thanks for the encouragement!
• You wave hi and bye consistently now. When you see me with my work bag and starting to gather my things together, you start waving bye-bye whether it’s time for me to leave yet or not.
• You can say “dada”, “mama” and “nana” and imitate other sounds, but can be heard saying “dada” most often these days, even when Daddy is nowhere nearby.
• You can answer yes or no now. You nod your head and say “yeah yeah” when you really like something.
• You love to take every single toy out of your toy bin and are finally learning how to put things back in to containers now.
• You are learning to blow kisses, but most often just hold your hand up to your mouth and that’s it.
• You will give us kisses when we ask for them sometimes now. You’re most likely to decide to do it if one person is holding you and they tell you to kiss someone else. You’ll still kiss any stuffed animal or really anything soft anytime.
• You love to play in your crib most times after you wake up in the morning or after a nap. I can often hear you babbling away and turning on your musical mirror. Once I go in to get you, you still usually don’t want to get up, but want to show me all your cuteness like jumping in your crib and pulling down your snuggly blanket.
• You like to spin in a circle while sitting down, pushing yourself around with your leg.
• When you are in a cranky mood and can’t seem to be soothed by anything else, the thing that always works is to put you in your Jump-a-Roo. You jump and laugh and finally calm yourself down. You love it so much that you often happily fall asleep in there.
• You’ve learned how to push buttons on your toys to turn them on and look so very proud of yourself when you do, looking up to make sure we’re watching what a big girl you are.
• In the past couple of days you figured out how to unroll an entire roll of toilet paper, learned how to undo your diaper and are refusing to go to sleep without a fight.
• You love to push many of your toys all around the house, “walking” behind it on your knees.
• You absolutely love our cat Gracie, but do not understand how to be calm and quiet around her. Interactions between the two of you usually end with Gracie hissing and trying to hide from you while you scream and chase her until we have to intervene and rescue the cat.
• You have just learned to point and will finally look at whatever we’re pointing at for you. You love to take our fingers and make us point at things for you.
• You are learning about body parts and especially love noses and belly buttons.
• You are starting to really pay attention to what’s on TV. You really seem to like Dora and Elmo.
• You still love music and will dance spontaneously when you hear something you like.
We love you so much and can't wait to see what's next! Happy 15 months Sweet Pea!!!
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