Thursday, May 26, 2011

You never know

Sweet Pea did great with us going out on our date for our anniversary.  I knew she would since she spends so much time with my mom and feels so comfortable with her, but she's never done bedtime for her before so you never know.  It's reassuring to know she can do just fine without us.  I did have to leave her with a friend the other day too while I went to work and no problems there either.  She's becoming more and more social and warming to others easier and easier.

We've been passing around Sweet Pea's cold around here.  My mom and I had it last week and are still getting over it.  Shannon came down with it a couple of days ago.  He can be such a baby when he is sick, but I can tell he's trying so hard not to complain this time.  He knows I just had this too and took care of two babies and only asked him for help/a break once last weekend so I could go lie down.  Thank goodness Sweet Pea is all better.  Such a tough little girl  :)

We saw her pulmonologist last week.  He was really happy with all her progress and even took her off one of her lung medications.  He also gave us the results of her sleep study, which was all good.  I'm so glad we won't have to go through that again!

Sweet Pea's caseworker came out to visit yesterday.  She had nothing but good news for us.  Sweet Pea's bio mom is not doing well, so it's looking more and more like termination of parental rights will happen in July as planned.  I'm having mixed feelings about the whole thing.  Obviously I'm completely in love with Sweet Pea and want nothing more than for us to stay with us forever and would be completely devastated if she had to leave us.  But I feel bad for bio mom too.  Even though she hasn't seen Sweet Pea since birth and is essentially a stranger to her, I'm sure she's struggling.  Especially in my work with the pregnant and parenting teens at the shelter, I know what the birth moms go through and how hard it is for them, even if it's honestly in the best interest for the baby not to be with them.

And I still know there are no guarantees in this.  I don't think I'll feel secure until they actually terminate rights.  Or until we can actually legally adopt her.  You just never know...


jennwfree said...

I hope that the next few weeks between now and July are easy for you...I can only imagine that you will be on pins and needles and are just ready to have this over and done with!

Unknown said...

I's so weird. As a foster parent, I never expected to feel bad for the bio parents. But, there it is.