Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Quick update

We're getting emails or phone calls from our Pathways case manager Danielle nearly every day this week asking follow-up questions for our homestudy.  I think that she did not really look at our file until last week and is realizing everything she didn't know before.  I know it's difficult because she wasn't our original case manager and our original one went on maternity leave early, so she got stuck with several more families than she was planning on.  But it seems like we should have been asked these things a while ago.

Either way, I'm still trying to focus on the positive.  This means she truly is working to complete everything.  And now we know the director has read the homestudy, only has a few questions for us to follow-up on, then we get to see our copy any day now.  Danielle says she hoping for us to be able to sign contracts as early as next week!  Oh my goodness-- are we really ready for that?!?   :)

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