Thursday, May 3, 2012


I was just sitting here on the couch, checking my email and Facebook. I have my laptop in my lap and absentmindedly had my hand resting on my stomach. Shannon just came in the room and said "What, are you pregnant or something?" Ha! If only it were that easy... Highly unlikely, considering I just had my birth control shot again last week.

Guess it's really just a sign I should get my big butt off this couch and exercise instead of playing on the computer  :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

No Tears

We went for a follow-up with Payton's ENT doctor today and I am thrilled to report that for the first time ever, she did not cry at all through the entire appointment!! This is huge for us. As you know, we go to lots of doctors and there have been so many tears each time, but not today! We've gotten out a toy stethoscope recently and talk quite a bit about doctors and try to give her an idea of what to expect at the appointment. Maybe she's just gotten more mature, maybe all our prep work has paid off. Whatever's working, we'll take it :) She was still definitely clingy and hesitant, but let both the nurse and the doctor touch her. Huge steps. So proud of my little girl...

Here are some recent pics our sweet Payton since it's been forever since my last post:

She loves her water table! Thanks Nana!!

First time in the baby pool for the year

We finally found a life jacket small enough to fit her :)